Facilitation and Training


Michelle is a trained facilitator who utilizes circle methodology. She is able to lead engagement, planning, team development and many other forms of dialogue. Michelle is trained in The Art of Hosting, the Circle Way, Naqsmist Storytellers Inc., and Facilitating Change.

Graphic Facilitation

Graphic facilitation is a form of facilitation wherein the facilitator will draw and write while engaging with participants and summarizing the discussion. Michelle brings in her circle training and draws digital imagery while the group is watching and providing input to co-develop imagery.

Workshops and Training

Workshops: Indigenous Health Policy 101, Meaningfully Involving Indigenous People in Policy Decision-Making, Anti-Indigenous Racism in Public Policy.

Graphic Recording Training is now available in both in-person and virtual format.

Graphic Recording Training

Michelle provides Graphic Recording and Facilitation Training both in-person and online using virtual platforms.
Graphic recording training can be traught using paper, pens and other materials (best in-person), as well as digitally using an iPad and Procreate software.

  • If you would like supplies to be included in your training session, we can discuss your budget and needs.

  • I am able to train groups solo of up to 12 people in person or virtually when I train solo. If your budget allows for another training I am able to bring in a colleague to train up to 24 people.

  • I am able to provide custom quotes for each group who would like graphic recording training. Each group is different and I like to work towards your needs, including budget range. Please reach out to me with group size, budget, description of your group and needs.

Indigenous Policy


Anti-Indigenous Racism in
Public Policy

Indigenous focused policies must include Indigenous people in a meaningful way. It is important for policy analysts and policy decision makers to have a good understanding of the history of colonial policies and how they have impacted and continue to impact Indigenous communities.


How Can Policy Analysis
Be Different?

Incorporating Indigenous pedagogy and Indigenous methodologies, such as Visual Policy Analysis and Graphic Recording are a step towards addressing the lack of inclusion of Indigenous methodologies in policy analysis and policy decision making.


Let’s Connect!

If you are interested in discussing a project with Michelle please send an email to michelle [at] cassyexconsulting.com

Please send a brief description of your project or vision along with a timeline for the project and estimated budget range.

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Visual Policy Analysis